Men’s Retreat 2013 – Archive
Men’s Retreat April 5 – 7, 2013 Camp Wooten
Marriage is a very high priority among God’s people. To those who were under-estimating the importance of marriage, who were making divorce an easy option (Matthew 19), Jesus said “Haven’t you read?” and then took them back to the Divine Design in Genesis 1&2. When the world population was beginning to burgeon, men and women trivialized marriage and God responded with grief and judgment (Genesis 6-8). Paul saw that marriage unveiled a profound mystery concerning Christ’s relationship with His Bride, the Church (Ephesians 5). God’s instructions for locating men to lead His church is to go to men who are well married. We dare not under-estimate the importance of marriage to the life of the church, and the strength of the Gospel message to heal a lost world. Come and prepare to experience the Divine Design. For more info, please download the Men’s Retreat Brochure.