Word & Worship
Friends & Family
Ski Retreat is one of E-Free Youth and Family’s capstone events of the year, and is always a blast! We stay at Schweitzer Chapel at Schweitzer Mountain Resort, which has plenty of room for our large group of families and students.
Who should come? All students in 6th-12th grade, as well as their families. Elementary and below need to be accompanied by a parent.
Each year, we have plenty of individual students who come, as well as several families. Some ski the whole time, while others take part in planned activities and rest time at the chapel. Each evening, we come together for worship and time in the Word.
Families who come are encouraged to plan a meal (or more!), which helps bring your costs down! (see Discounts under Cost breakdown). We hope you can make this exciting and growing weekend!
Paperwork Needed:
All under 18 will need a Medical Release Form up-to-date with E-Free.
Download the Medical Release Form >
Additionally, any students renting gear or taking lessons will need a signed Rental/Lesson Release Form before the trip. The only exception to this is if a parent is attending with the student since it can be filled out on the mountain.
Friday — February 16, 2018
3:30-4:00pm— Meet at E-Free to leave
6:00pm — Stop in Coeur d’Alene to eat
8:00-8:30 — Settle in, unpack
After arrival — Welcome, Group Game and Worship
Saturday & Sunday — February 17-18, 2018
7:30am — Breakfast
8:30am — Song and Worship
9:00am — Free Time
Skiing Option
- 9-5pm both Saturday & Sunday
- Sack Lunches in Vans
Other Option
- Saturday – Tubing in morning
- Sunday – Snowshoeing in morning
- Afternoons – Activities in Chapel
6:00pm — Dinner
7:30pm — Group Session
9:00pm — Free Time
10:30pm — Cabin/Family Time
Monday — February 19, 2018
8:00am — Breakfast
9:00am — Clean and pack up.
4:00pm — Arrive back at E-Free.
We do everything we can to keep costs down.
$50 per person (Covers transportation, lodging for three nights, and 8 meals)
Lift tickets: $44-$67 for Full Mountain Tickets (based on age), and $20 for Lower Mountain Only Tickets (see online for full price breakdown)
Rentals: $32 for 13 years and older, $27 for 7-12 years.
Lessons: Talk to Kyle if you would be interested in lessons.
Discounts: There are a variety of leadership roles for adults that come with discounts towards your family’s costs. For instance:
- Meal Plan/Cook – $30 per breakfast or dinner
- Lunch Plan/Coordinate – $40 for 3 lunches
- Plus other roles such as Ticket Coordinator, Tubing Leader, etc.
In addition, there are limited partial-scholarships available. We don’t want money to be the only reason you can’t come! Talk to Kyle if you’d like to work something out!
Signed up? Here are additional things you will need:
(required for all under 18 who attend)
(required for all under 18 who will rent gear from Schweitzer or take a lesson from Schweitzer. May be filled out on mountain by parents if they are present)