Join us for Easter services at the Evangelical Free Church of the Palouse. We’ll be hosting a Good Friday Communion Service, where we’ll reflect on Jesus’ death and why it matters for us. Then on Easter Sunday, we’ll celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead with a special message from guest speaker, and retired Judge, Tom...
Author: Kyle (Kyle Luck)
We’d like you in this year’s Church Directory!
We’d like your photo It’s that time again; time to create a new church directory! This year, we are collaborating with Lifetouch Photography to take our photos and produce the directory. If you consider E-Free your church home, we would like you in the directory! Free for everyone All photography sessions are free, and everyone...
Signup for Meals on Wheels
Our annual commitment with Meals on Wheels is coming up! November 1-30, we need daily drivers to deliver meals in Pullman. The meals are picked up from Bishop Place, in Pullman, at 11:10 am and it takes about an hour to deliver them. This is a wonderful way to serve our neighbors, meet someone new, and be a blessing in Christ’s name. See dates available...
Sermons now available in Podcasts
Miss a sermon, or want to listen again? We’ve had our sermons available on the website, but now they are also available on major podcast directories. Feel free to subscribe and share with others. Subscribe on Google Play Music > Subscribe on Apple Podcasts >