Senior Ministry
“Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness.” ~Proverbs 16:31
The vision of the Seniors’ Ministry is to bring back to light the wisdom of the “older men & women” in a way that is valued & sought after. It is also intended to identify resources within the church as well as outside the church that can play into serving our Seniors well.
Monthly “Soup & Seniors” luncheons are scheduled at the E-Free church with topics of interest presented. In addition, a two-part participation is made available for volunteers with a heart to serve this honorable group:
Philos “Friend”
The Philos has a “dearly loved” personal relationship with the Senior member of our church. The Philos may be a family member, a friend or based upon the love that exists within the body of Christ, have an interest to serve in this capacity.
The Philos connects with the Senior on a regular basis to listen for ways the Senior can share their wisdom & serve in the church body or their community, as well as listen for ways the church can serve them.
Requirements to become a Philos:
- Must be a member of the Evangelical Free Church of the Palouse
- Must have a background check
- Must be interviewed by the Seniors’ Ministry Coordinators & an Elder
- Must be able to maintain confidentiality
Resource Individual
A resource individual may serve the Seniors’ Ministry in the following areas but not limited to: 1) transportation, 2) technology, 3) meals, 4) housecleaning, 5) yard work, 6) safety features in the home, 7) light/routine car maintenance, 8) visits, etc.
Requirements to become a Resource Individual:
- Must be interviewed by the Seniors’ Ministry Coordinators & an elder.
For questions or more information on how to serve in this ministry, contact Karl Hulbert, Deacon or Debbie Hulbert, Deaconess through the church office at