We’d like you in this year’s Church Directory!

We’d like you in this year’s Church Directory!

We’d like your photo

It’s that time again; time to create a new church directory! This year, we are collaborating with Lifetouch Photography to take our photos and produce the directory. If you consider E-Free your church home, we would like you in the directory!

Free for everyone

All photography sessions are free, and everyone who gets their photo taken gets a printed and digital copy of the directory, as well as an 8×10 inch printout of their photo. You will have the option to purchase additional prints from Lifetouch after viewing them, which could be a great help for Christmas photos or other gifts this season.

Several dates to choose from

Photography sessions will be held on the following dates at E-Free. You must reserve a time ahead of time, and they are reserved on a first-come, first served basis. Click the link below, and begin reserving a time by selecting how many are in your group.

  • December 6 (1-8:30 pm)
  • December 7 (1-8:30 pm)
  • December 8 (10am–5:30pm)
  • December 17 (1-8:30 pm)
  • December 18 (1-8:30 pm)
  • December 19 (1-8:30 pm)